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Meine Palette reicht von klassischer Trompe l`oeil Malerei mit räumlicher Illusion, Grisaillemalerei bis zu Immitation von edlen Oberflächen wie Marmor und Holz. 

Außerdem liebe ich es, Alte Meister zu kopieren und Elemente in meine Stillleben und Wandmalerei eizufügen.

Es ist faszinierend, wie  viel Atmosphäre mit Pinsel, Farbe und Geschick kreiert werden kann!

So verstehe ich meine Arbeit in der Tradition, mittels fundierten handwerklichen Könnens, Inspiration, Freude und Schönheit in Räume des täglichen Lebens zu bringen.


On my "gallery"

Page and in the "Shop" you can see some examples that should inspire you to let me implement your own ideas and wishes. Just contact me by email.


When it comes to larger objects or walls, it makes sense if I look at the situation on site, check whether it is feasible and make a measurement.

I will shortly send you a detailed, true-to-scale  colored design and a quote.

If it does not come to the order, I will invoice you for the previous effort and you have no further costs.

If it comes to an order, I ask you to pay 1/3 of the estimated costs so that I can buy my material and start to work.

During the execution, you will see your picture emerge and we can incorporate suggestions into the process

to let.

It is important that something personal is created, that the quality of the painting is right and that you enjoy the work. If there is a considerable additional effort, I will charge directing hours after consultation.

After completing the work, you will then receive the invoice for the remaining 2/3 of the total amount and you will enjoy your unique painting for many years to come.



Chicken box and quail - box

Handmade boxes to store all sorts of things. Size of 15  x 15  x 15  cm to 35 x 35 x 35 cm.

In my                you can find some copies.

I am happy to be there for individual requests.

Just contact me.

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